Since 2020 the pandemic has inspired a shift towards greater workforce flexibility and therefore an increased use of contract recruitment. Depending on the size of your workforce, building a blended workforce where contract or (non-permanent) workers sit alongside permanent staff members can help with agility and flexibility within the workforce structure. It can be particularly beneficial when used to support business recovery without the commitment or liability that comes with scaling up permanent headcount again.
Our contract recruitment workforce solutions for the data, analytics and technology sectors ensure you can flex and grow as and when your business or project requires.
Both freelancers and contractors are non permanent workers. They’re not the only type of professionals who fall within the category, however. The following are all people who can come under the umbrella of being non-permanent workers:
Highlights of the KDR Contract service.
What are the benefits of using a non-permanent workforce and contract recruitment?
1. Flexibility: Non-permanent staff can be deployed wherever and whenever they are needed. During an uncertain economy, this is particularly beneficial as demand and supply of skills rise and fall in line with economic developments. Project launches, speed to market sick or mat/paternity leave, company growth or otherwise all align themselves well to using contract recruitment and including contingent workers to the mix.
2. Scalability: Permanent workers are needed when planning a scale up of the business. It is unlikely however that they would be able to sustain the growth completely on their own. This is when using contract recruitment to implement a non-permanent workforce is useful. Typically permanent members of the team are given extensive training on joining an organisation, this can slow down growth and agility and if the right contingent workers are in place, they can pick up the BAU activities meaning growth can continue whilst new members of the team are brought up to speed. Importantly, by utilising contract workers, when spikes in workload subside, employers can cost effectively scale back down again.
3. Output: Utilising a contracted workforce is a valuable resource especially considering that it can be used on a Statement of Work model. Here the focus is on output-based results. No matter what type of worker you are deploying you only pay for the work that is needed. When budgets are tight this is a valuable use of time and one that suits project-based work such as large IT implementations.
3. Cost efficiency: Contract recruitment can be very cost effective. For the non-permanent workforce employers are only paying for the skills they need. Training costs are not required as they are for permanent members of staff. This is particularly useful for short-term resourcing needs.
4. Access to wider talent pools. There are times when skill sets are only needed for a short time so using non-permanent workers allows HR and Procurement teams to bring in those skills sets quickly to fill any gaps. Tapping into contingent workforce pools allows business to widen the networks they usually engage with.
Contact us on: +44 (0)1 565 651 422 to find out more about Our KDR Contract Recruitment service.
Recruitment services for any level of need